bad for health. good for otaku.


“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only ramen can do that.”

bad for health. good for otaku.


"Why do you always have to try and save me? I could handle it on my own. Yeah, I admit I've gotten beaten before, but I won't always be on the receiving end, you hear that? You understand?"

bad for health. good for otaku.


"You've always been a pain in the ass, y'know. You've been telling me what to do since we were kids. You always treat me like a kid. You always show up and start bossing me around, and don't you deny it!"

bad for health. good for otaku.


"He's not your friend, he's ours! If somebody's gonna kill him, it should be us!"

bad for health. good for otaku.


"My job isn't to believe or disbelieve. It is to act or not act!"